Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Undefined index: theme_language_error in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Undefined index: guest_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 1780

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 1825

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: code in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1086

Notice: Undefined index: code_select in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1086

Notice: Undefined index: code in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1123

Notice: Undefined index: code_select in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1123

Notice: Undefined index: quote in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1404

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1413

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1420

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1443

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: home in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3942

Notice: Undefined index: help in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3950

Notice: Undefined index: search in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3957

Notice: Undefined index: admin in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3964

Notice: Undefined index: modSettings_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3969

Notice: Undefined index: package in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3974

Notice: Undefined index: errlog in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3979

Notice: Undefined index: edit_permissions in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3984

Notice: Undefined index: moderate in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3992

Notice: Undefined index: modlog_view in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3997

Notice: Undefined index: mc_unapproved_poststopics in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4002

Notice: Undefined index: mc_unapproved_attachments in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4007

Notice: Undefined index: mc_reported_posts in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4012

Notice: Undefined index: profile in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4020

Notice: Undefined index: summary in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4025

Notice: Undefined index: account in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4030

Notice: Undefined index: forumprofile in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4035

Notice: Undefined index: pm_short in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4043

Notice: Undefined index: pm_menu_read in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4048

Notice: Undefined index: pm_menu_send in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4053

Notice: Undefined index: calendar in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4061

Notice: Undefined index: calendar_menu in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4066

Notice: Undefined index: calendar_post_event in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4071

Notice: Undefined index: members_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4079

Notice: Undefined index: mlist_menu_view in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4084

Notice: Undefined index: mlist_search in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4089

Notice: Undefined index: login in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4097

Notice: Undefined index: register in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4104

Notice: Undefined index: logout in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4112

Notice: Undefined index: seo4smf_admin in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Seo4Smf.php on line 652

Notice: Undefined index: googletagged in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/GoogleTagged-Integrate.php on line 35
<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: print_page in <b>/home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>23</b><br /> - Farkettiğin Güzellik Secdelerin Nur'udur...

Tesettur Forum

FORUM GENEL => Kıssadan Hisseler =>
Notice: Undefined index: topic_started in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 105
: Şeb-i Yeldâ
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 105
July 27, 2008, 12:49:03 AM

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Farkettiğin Güzellik Secdelerin Nur'udur...

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: Şeb-i Yeldâ
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
July 27, 2008, 12:49:03 AM
"Sayın bayan" dedi.guzellik konusunda tarafsiz bir arastirma yapiyoruz.Özellikle cilt guzelliginizi neye borclu oldugunuzu sorabilirmiyim size?
Genc kiz kot pantoluna kadar sarkan saclarini geriye savurup bakislarini devirirken.
"Henuz yeterli kadar para kazanmadigim icin cildime salatalik kabuklari yapistiriyorum,dedi.Arada birde salatalik kremi kullaniyorum.Bu yuzdende paril paril parliyor elbet" dedi.

Spiker bu sefer genc bir kadina donerek:
"Ya siz hanimefendi?"diye sordu."Sizin cildinizde cok bakimli goruluyor"

Kadin kendinden emin vaziyette:
"Ben pahali bir cilt bakim setine sahibim.Duzenli olarak cildime bakar,sabah aksam kremleyip nemlendiririm."

Raportajin burasinda,orta yasli bir hanim devreye girerek:
"Vaktiyle bende oyle yapmistim kizim ,dedi.Ama cildimin nemi fazla kacmis olmaliki,uc-bes sene sonra islak camasir gibi asagi sarkti."

Spiker canli yayinda olduklari icin durumun kotuye gittigini anlamisti.Kadinin sozlerini boguntuya getirmek gayesiyle birkac defa oksurup lafi kivirtarak:
Iyi ama hanimefendi,diye atildi.Cildiniz fena gorunmuyorki"
Kadin,boynundaki fulari cozup altindaki dikisleri gosterirken:"estetik ameliyat diye birsey duymadin galiba,diye cikisti.Cildimi gerdirmek icin azmi bicak altina yattim ben?"

Spiker,bir anda berbat olup meslek hayatini tehlikeye sokan roportajini nasil noktalayacagini dusunurken,supermarketin raflarina mal dolduran yasli bir kadini farketti.Kadin,oldukca fakir gorunmesine ragmen cevresindeki butun meraklilardan daha degisik guzellige sahipti.Spiker,calistigi televizyona boy boy reklam veren kozmetik firmalarini daha fazla kizdirmamak gayesiyle ister istemez o tarafa yonelerek:
"Teyzecigim.dedi.Lutfen bizi bagislayin,guzellik ve cilt bakimi konusunda arastirma yapiyoruz.Siz ilerlemis yasiniza ragmen bu kadar guzel olan cildinize hangi kremi suruyorsunuz?"

Yasli kadin,nurlu yuzunu cevreleyen basortusunu biraz daha sikarken,hafifce gulumseyerek:

"Biz yuzumuze krem falan surmeyiz evlad,ama yuzumuzu seccadeye sureriz.Farkettigin guzellik secdelerin nurudur."

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Farkettigin Guzellik Secdelerin Nur'udur...

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: kuzu
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
May 08, 2010, 11:53:08 PM
Hay sen çok yaşa teyzem...

Allah razı olsun abla...

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Farkettigin Guzellik Secdelerin Nur'udur...

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: Yara ßenim
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
May 09, 2010, 10:59:38 AM
Allah razı olsun  :'(
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