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<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: print_page in <b>/home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>23</b><br /> - Questions To A Muslim Child (1)

Tesettur Forum

FORUM GENEL => Egitim ve Öğretim => İngilizce =>
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: 66_hulya
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January 27, 2009, 11:20:18 PM

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Questions To A Muslim Child (1)

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: 66_hulya
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January 27, 2009, 11:20:18 PM
Are you a Muslim?
Thanks be to Allah (Alhamdulillah), I am a Muslim
What does it mean to be a Muslim?
Knowing that there is only one Allah, and accepting the Holy Qur'an and Prophet Muhammed (s.a.s.)

Since when have you Muslim?
I have been a Muslim since the time of the world (Balaa)

What does "Balaa" mean?
It is a covenant (mithaq). That is, Allah asked whwn He created all souls: "Am I not your Lord (Rabb)"? They answered "Yes, for certain you are our Lord (Rabb) (Balaa)." Thus, I have been a Muslim from that time.

Who is your Lord (Rabb)?&nbsp; Who created you?

Whose slave are you?
I am the slave of Allah.

What is your religion?

My religion is İslam.
Which&nbsp; book do you believe in?
I believe in the Holy Quran.

What is Din?
It is the set of laws which guides the sane people who believe with their free will to the most right, the most beautiful, and everlasting happiness.

What is Islam?
It is the name of the last divine religion which was sent to human beings by God through His Prophet Muhammad?

What is Iman (Belief)?
It is the acceptance and attestation of the decrees which are known in certainty that they are brought from God by the Prophet

What would be your answer to someone who asked how many gods there were?
I would answer that there is only one.

What is your evidence that there is only one Allah?
My evidence is the first verse (ayah) of the&nbsp; Surah allkhlas.

What is the meaning of the verse (ayah)?
The meaning is; "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!"
What is your reasonable evidence that Allah exists?

The existence of this universe and the continuation of its system and order.

Would it be right to think about the essence of Allah?

No, it would be improper to think about the essence of Allah because reason is incapable of understanding it. One can only think about the qualitiea of Allah.

What are The Divine Attributes of Allah?
The Divine Attributes of Allah the Most High are classified in two&nbsp; groups: the Divine Attributes of the Being of Allah (al Sifat al-Dhatiyyah) are six and the immutable of the Divine Essence of Allah (al-Sifat-al-Thubutiyyah) are eight.

What are the Divine Attributes of&nbsp; the Being of&nbsp; Allah?
Al-Wujud : He is the Existing One,
Al-Qidam : He is the Pre-Eternal One,
Al-Baqah : He is the Everlasting One,
Al-Wahdaniyyah : He is the Unique One,
Al-Mukhalafatun lil Khawadith : He is Unlike the Created,
Al-Qiyam bi'nafsihi : He is the Self-Existing One.

What are the Immutable Attributes of the Divine Essence of Allah?

Al-Hayat : Hei s the Living and Resurrecting One,
Al-Ilm : He is the All-Knowing One: Allah the Most High knows everything to such an extent that He even knows the secret intentions of the heart,
Al-Sami : He is the All-Hearing One: Allah the Most High hears eveything,
Al-Baseer : He is the All-Seeing One: Allah the Most High can see a black ant crawling on a black rock in the dark of night and He can hear the sound of its moving limbs,
Al-Iradhah: He has Absolute Will: Alalh the Most High has the quality of divine Determination so&nbsp; that He does whatever He wishes and in whatever manner He wishes,
Al-Qudrah : He is the Omnipotent, the Almighty One, and He has power over all things,
Al-Qalam : His manner of Speech is Unique to Him; Alalh the Most High&nbsp; spaeks without need of letters or souns,
Al-Taqwin : He is the Creator from nothing of all things and beings.

What is Fard (Obligatory)?
It is the thing which is requested to be performed in certainty by the religion.

What is Wajib?&nbsp;
They are the decrees which their performance are demanded by the religion with the presumptive (zannî) evidences.

What is Sunnat?&nbsp;
They are the religious duties the Prophet performed and demanded to be fulfilled by the Muslims.

What is Hadith?&nbsp;
They are the verbal expression of the utterances or the actions and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad.

What is Mubah?&nbsp;
They are the things which performing them or not is permissible in religion.

What is Haram (Prohibited)?
They are the things which their performance are prohibited with certainty by the religion.

What is Halal (Lawful)? &nbsp;
They are the things which there is no religious decree for they are to be done or not.

What is Makruh (Abominable)?
It is a thing which its abandonment is demanded by religion by a presumptive evidence.&nbsp;

What is Mustahab?

They are the religious actions which the Prophet performed sometimes and ignored sometimes.

What is Sura?
It is the each chapter of Qur'an separated from each other by the Basmala.

What is Ayat?
They are the sentences and verses of the Qur’an.

To which direction do you turn when worshiping?

I turn to the Holy Kaaba in Makkah.
Whose community (Ummah) are you from? I am from the Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.s)

From whom have you descended?
I have descended from Adam (a.s.)

Whose nation are you from?

I am from the nation of abraham (Ibrahim) (a.s.)
What is a repetance of desperation (Tawba-i Yais)? Is that kind of repentance acceptable?
It is the respentance of a dying man who already has Iman and who has acted accordingly.Yes, it is acceptable.

What is belief of desperation (Iman-i Yais)? Is that kind of faith acceptable?

To accept Faith as Pharaoh did just at the moment of death. No.
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