Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Undefined index: theme_language_error in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2074

Notice: Undefined index: guest_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 1780

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 1825

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_character_set in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php on line 2236

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: code in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1086

Notice: Undefined index: code_select in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1086

Notice: Undefined index: code in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1123

Notice: Undefined index: code_select in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1123

Notice: Undefined index: quote in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1404

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1413

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1420

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: quote_from in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 1443

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: lang_locale in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 797

Notice: Undefined index: home in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3942

Notice: Undefined index: help in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3950

Notice: Undefined index: search in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3957

Notice: Undefined index: admin in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3964

Notice: Undefined index: modSettings_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3969

Notice: Undefined index: package in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3974

Notice: Undefined index: errlog in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3979

Notice: Undefined index: edit_permissions in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3984

Notice: Undefined index: moderate in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3992

Notice: Undefined index: modlog_view in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3997

Notice: Undefined index: mc_unapproved_poststopics in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4002

Notice: Undefined index: mc_unapproved_attachments in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4007

Notice: Undefined index: mc_reported_posts in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4012

Notice: Undefined index: profile in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4020

Notice: Undefined index: summary in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4025

Notice: Undefined index: account in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4030

Notice: Undefined index: forumprofile in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4035

Notice: Undefined index: pm_short in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4043

Notice: Undefined index: pm_menu_read in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4048

Notice: Undefined index: pm_menu_send in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4053

Notice: Undefined index: calendar in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4061

Notice: Undefined index: calendar_menu in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4066

Notice: Undefined index: calendar_post_event in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4071

Notice: Undefined index: members_title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4079

Notice: Undefined index: mlist_menu_view in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4084

Notice: Undefined index: mlist_search in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4089

Notice: Undefined index: login in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4097

Notice: Undefined index: register in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4104

Notice: Undefined index: logout in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 4112

Notice: Undefined index: seo4smf_admin in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Seo4Smf.php on line 652

Notice: Undefined index: googletagged in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/GoogleTagged-Integrate.php on line 35
<br /> <b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: print_page in <b>/home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code</b> on line <b>23</b><br /> - Salavatın Keffareti

Tesettur Forum

Notice: Undefined index: topic_started in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 105
: şeyma19
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 105
October 03, 2008, 05:59:36 PM

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: şeyma19
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
October 03, 2008, 05:59:36 PM
Salevatın Keffareti

Râbia-tül Adeviyye, babası İsmâil'in üç kızı vardı Bir tane daha doğunca adını Râbia (dördüncü) koydu Babası çok fakir olduğundan Râbia doğduğu gece evde ihtiyaç olan şeylerden hiçbiri yoktu Bu duruma annesi çok ağlayıp mahzûn oldu Efendisine;
-Filân komşuya gidip, bir mikdar kandil yağı isteyebilir misin?, dedi

Hazret-i Râbia'nın babası, Allahü teâlâdan başka kimseden bir şey istememeğe söz vermişti Bununla beraber hanımını üzmemek için komşuya gitti Kapıya elini sürdü ve geri gelip;
-Kapı açılmadı, deyince hanımı ağladı O da çok üzüldü

Babası, başını dizine dayadı ve öylece uyuya kaldı Rüyâsında Peygamber efendimizi gördü
Peygamber efendimiz, kendisine buyurdu ki:
-Hiç üzülme! Bu kızın, öyle bir hanım olacak ki, ümmetimden yetmiş bin kişiye şefâat edecek Yârın bir kâğıda şöyle yaz: "Sen her gece Peygamber efendimize yüz salevât-ı şerîfe, Cumâ geceleri de dört yüz salevât gönderirdin Bu Cumâ gecesi unuttun Bunun keffâreti olarak, bu yazıyı sana getiren zâta dört yüz altını helâl parandan ver" Sonra Basra vâlisi Îsâ Zâdân'a git O yazıyı ver"

Hazret-i Râbia'nın babası uyandığında, Peygamber efendimizi görmenin şevkiyle ağlıyordu Hemen kalktı, denileni yaptı ve Îsâ Zâdân'ın yanına gitti Vâli mektubu alınca, Resûlullah efendimizin kendisini hatırlamasının şükrü için, binlerce altını fakirlere sadaka verdi Râbia-tül Adeviyye'nin babası İsmâil Efendiye de mektupta yazılanı ve ona ilâve olarak pekçok altını da sadaka verip, bir ihtiyâcı olursa tekrâr gelmesini tenbîh etti Altınları aldıktan sonra lüzumlu ihtiyaçlarını temin etti Böylece bolluğa kavuştular ve kızlarına rahatça bakıp güzel edeb ve terbiye ile büyüttüler

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Ynt: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
July 15, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
Maşallah, ne güzel bir hikaye.

Teşekkür ederim.

Rabbim cümlemizin yardımcısı olsun. Amin.

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: şeyma19
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
September 18, 2009, 06:08:33 PM
amin inşallah..
ben teşekkür ederim..

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: sahra cold
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
September 19, 2009, 10:57:23 AM
 +-/*te şeyma19

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: şeyma19
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
September 21, 2009, 07:06:09 PM
ben teşekkür ederim

Notice: Undefined index: title in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 116
: Salavatın Keffareti

Notice: Undefined index: post_by in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
: Rabia
Notice: Undefined index: search_on in /home/tsstfrm/public_html/Sources/Load.php(2272) : eval()'d code on line 117
September 21, 2009, 10:59:47 PM
Râbia-tül Adeviyye'nin hayatını okudum ama bu kıssayı okumamıştım.

emeğine sağlık teşekkürler
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